Discover the World of W. Bradley Danbrook

Welcome to my portfolio! I am a Canadian novelist passionate about storytelling, and I am excited to share my latest science-fiction novel with you. Join me on this literary journey.

pile of clear measuring test tubes
pile of clear measuring test tubes
Meet the Author
Explore My Works

As a writer, I aim to captivate readers with imaginative narratives. My new science-fiction novel reflects my love for the genre and my commitment to crafting engaging stories for all.

Novelist Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. I am a Canadian novelist excited to share my new science-fiction novel with you. Below is my first novel, published in 2009. It is available for free via the link below.


Explore My Works

Hillary of Nibiru

Hillary J. Penrose sat alone in her large bedroom, as she often did, that cold and blustery winter morning. A powerful North Eastern storm shook the panes of her bedroom windows. It was typical Boston weather for December. Hillary felt warm and cozy under her down-filled duvet. She gazed ahead at the flickering flames from the fireplace. Her bedroom was a little different from those of other girls her age. Then again, most things about Hillary were a little different. There weren’t any movie of rock star posters adorning her walls. Instead, she had very specifically chosen the design of her bedroom. The ceiling of her room had been carefully painted to look like a perfect summer sky, with fine little fluffy clouds against a deep azure background. A magnificent medieval castle, replete with high turrets, a moat and a drawbridge had been painted on the far wall by her window. The wall by her bed had been painted to resemble an endless three-dimensional green hedge maze. In the corner of her room a massive, ornately carved mirror stood imposingly. Hillary was also lucky to own an extensive collection of interesting stuffed animals. There was a huge, imposing brown kangaroo, a smooth roan colour stallion, a black and silver Gryphon, and many more. One of more would often accompany her on one of her many adventures. She also never traveled far without her pocket princess doll, and of course Digby, who followed her everywhere.

Location Info

Based in Canada, I write captivating science-fiction novels that transport readers to new worlds and explore the depths of imagination.


Rothesay, New Brunswick


9 AM - 5 PM